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through preliminary preparations for a drunk driving police investigation

He said the reason for emphasizing initial response in drunk driving cases is that statements and attitudes made by drunk driving police during the investigation can affect future sentences. However, many people said that they often respond easily or deny the charges recklessly, thinking, “It’s just an investigation stage.”But he said this attitude during the police investigation of drunk driving is very important. Whether or not he actively participated in the investigation can be recognized as a reason for punishment in his favor in the future, and if he denies the allegations recklessly and does not participate properly, he said it could be applied unfavorably.

In particular, if it is not a simple drunk driving case but a case involving other traffic crimes, it is also advantageous to prevent arrest investigations and prove the reason for future sentences depending on what strategy you use to complete statements at the investigation stage, such as police investigation.In addition, as there have been many cases of drunken driving recently, the agency in charge has said it will investigate strictly from the investigation stage, so be careful not to make unfavorable statements such as pressure questions and guidance questions from investigators.

through anticipated question and answer preparationMany people said that one of the mistakes was to make unfavorable statements without even knowing it because they were deceived by pressure questions and guidance questions from the police officer in charge during the drunk driving police investigation. He also said that if the initial statement is reversed, it could be applied against him as inconsistent.Therefore, even before the initial police investigation, it was said that it would be better to come up with a response strategy with the help of a professional legal professional. Legal firm A&Lab prepares in advance through pre-stacked expected questions and answers so that clients can ask advantageous questions without panic no matter what questions they receive.He also said his lawyer would be able to get more reliable help because he would accompany the drunk driving police investigation directly. In fact, through the case of A&Lab, we will introduce a case in which the license was maintained with the help of a professional legal professional from the beginning.A 0.099 percent alcohol content in the blood, drunk driving, accompanied by a police investigation, received a driver’s license maintenanceThe client (suspect) had a drinking party in a certain place in Ulsan and called a proxy driver, but was caught driving in the parking lot due to communication problems with the driver and was booked with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.099%. In particular, I was in danger of revocation of my license and criminal punishment in the situation of re-offending. The client, who required a driver’s license due to his professional nature, visited the law firm A&Lab because he had to prevent the cancellation of his license as well as punishment. Representative lawyer Park Hyun-sik was in charge of this case. Lawyer Park Hyun-sik accompanied the police investigation and helped them make favorable statements.In addition, the client’s drunk driving was an accident, and he claimed that the driving time was very short as less than one minute because he returned home using only proxy and public transportation on the day he drank. He also said he sincerely reflected on the fact that it would be difficult to make a living if his license was revoked due to the nature of his client’s job, that his family’s income would be maintained, and that his drunk driving history was 10 years ago. As a result, the cancellation of the license was very unusual in the drunken driving incident, in which the blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% or more was measured.[Success story]He maintained his driver’s license even for drinking and driving, and our client (suspect) called for proxy driving after holding a drinking party at a certain place in Ulsan, but was caught driving in the parking lot due to communication problems with proxy drivers. As in most drunk driving cases, the client was in danger of criminal punishment along with the cancellation of his driver’s license, and found A&Lab. Representative lawyer Park Hyun-sik, who was in charge of the case, had a detailed consultation with his client. Due to the nature of his profession, his client felt most difficult that if his driver’s license was revoked, not only his client but also his family would be hit hard, so he only canceled his driver’s license…traffic.anlab.co.krHe maintained his driver’s license even for drinking and driving, and our client (suspect) called for proxy driving after holding a drinking party at a certain place in Ulsan, but was caught driving in the parking lot due to communication problems with proxy drivers. As in most drunk driving cases, the client was in danger of criminal punishment along with the cancellation of his driver’s license, and found A&Lab. Representative lawyer Park Hyun-sik, who was in charge of the case, had a detailed consultation with his client. Due to the nature of his profession, his client felt most difficult that if his driver’s license was revoked, not only his client but also his family would be hit hard, so he only canceled his driver’s license…traffic.anlab.co.krLegal firm A&Lab closely approaches initial response from police investigationLegal firm A&Lab is systematically helping representative lawyers with more than 11 years of legal experience run a traffic crime team to analyze the case and guide leniency in the final ruling through a system that predicts punishment.In particular, the police investigation was completed advantageously by closely carrying out important initial responses in criminal cases, and the case is closed at the investigation stage or the best leniency in the trial process. Therefore, if you need to prepare for a drunk driving police investigation, please meet with a professional A&Lab lawyer.Case Information: 02-538-0337 A&Lab provides legal advisory services at 24:00 p.m. on night/weekend/holiday.[Kakao Talk]Please try the legal firm A&Lab Kakao Talk Chat. pf.kakao.com[Success story]Success Case | Traffic Drinking Law Firm A&Lab All Traffic Crime Drinking Measurement Denied Hit-and-run, All Title Lawyers Classification All Traffic Crime Drinking Measurement Denied Hit-and-run, Other Search Number Thumbnail Title Writer 102 Drinking 2 times 23-05-08|No.3710 Drunk Driving 2 times. Until cocktail bar closes traffic.anlab.co.krSuccess Case | Traffic Drinking Law Firm A&Lab All Traffic Crime Drinking Measurement Denied Hit-and-run, All Title Lawyers Classification All Traffic Crime Drinking Measurement Denied Hit-and-run, Other Search Number Thumbnail Title Writer 102 Drinking 2 times 23-05-08|No.3710 Drunk Driving 2 times. Until cocktail bar closes traffic.anlab.co.krSuccess Case | Traffic Drinking Law Firm A&Lab All Traffic Crime Drinking Measurement Denied Hit-and-run, All Title Lawyers Classification All Traffic Crime Drinking Measurement Denied Hit-and-run, Other Search Number Thumbnail Title Writer 102 Drinking 2 times 23-05-08|No.3710 Drunk Driving 2 times. Until cocktail bar closes traffic.anlab.co.krSuccess Case | Traffic Drinking Law Firm A&Lab All Traffic Crime Drinking Measurement Denied Hit-and-run, All Title Lawyers Classification All Traffic Crime Drinking Measurement Denied Hit-and-run, Other Search Number Thumbnail Title Writer 102 Drinking 2 times 23-05-08|No.3710 Drunk Driving 2 times. Until cocktail bar closes traffic.anlab.co.kr33710th and 13th floors of Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, A&Lab33710th and 13th floors of Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, A&Lab33710th and 13th floors of Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, A&Lab33710th and 13th floors of Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, A&Lab33710th and 13th floors of Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, A&Lab33710th and 13th floors of Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, A&Lab33710th and 13th floors of Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, A&LabPrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next image

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